Top Olympic Cop Warns of 'Criminal Protests'
Olympic security police stepped up their 'psychological warfare' against Olympic resistance with a sensationalistic presentation to Vancouver city council on July 7, 2009. Although he didn't mention by name, we know the website he refers to is yours truly.
El Nino could forecast disaster for Olympics
By Kelly Sinoski and Mary Frances Hill, Vancouver Sun, July 9, 2009
VANCOUVER — The return of El Nino could wash out parts of the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics, weather forecasters say.
Mayor slams ‘Orwellian’ limits on free comment
‘Vancouver is a free-speech zone’
The Province | Jul 10, 2009, By Damian Inwood
Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson says he’s concerned about the intimidation of activists by Olympic security cops.
Callout to Anti-Olympics organizers across Turtle Island
Are you involved in Anti-Olympics organizing in your town, your community, your city?
Uncapping Bud
Mickey the Mini Queen, meet Chief Bud.
Bob Mackin, 24 Hours, July 15, 2009
Vancouver 2010 Integrated Security Unit won't rule out agents provocateurs
U.S. gears up for the security challenge of our Olympics
By Barbara Yaffe, Vancouver Sun, July 17, 2009
The 2010 Winter Games are Canada's Olympics, but they'll be taking place just 50 kilometres from the U.S. border.
Vancouver's Olympic finances melt down
Games budget falls apart
Brian Hutchinson, National Post Published: Friday, July 17, 2009
Rights go out the window to create a seamless 2010 circus
Proposed Vancouver city bylaw takes dead aim at anyone who might express a contrary view or protest during the Winter Olympics
By Daphne Bramham, Vancouver Sun, July 21, 2009
The 2010 Plan to Crush Our Freedoms
Olympics security overkill: Why so afraid of protest?
By Rafe Mair, July 20, 2009,
Arthur Manuel: Beware of B.C.'s proposed Recognition and Reconciliation Act
By Arthur Manuel
Georgia Straight, July 23, 2009, Commentary
Statement on the 2010 Olympic Winter Games
The New National Chief, and His Corporate Suitors
Energy firms eager to build bonds with Canada's First Nations.
Border emergency center gets pre-Olympics test run
New Washington state center will handle anti-terrorism and security during the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver
Olympic watchdog group asks UN to monitor rights during 2010 Games
By Stephanie Levitz (Canadian Press) – July 31, 2009
An Olympic watchdog group is asking the United Nations to send human rights observers to the 2010 Winter Games.
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