Olympic village $130 million over budget: audit
By Miro Cernetig, Vancouver Sun columnist, October 5, 2009
VANCOUVER — If you need any more proof that mayors should stick to potholes, garbage pickup and leave the real-estate business to the professionals, just read on.
International Call Out for Direct Action:
“Our struggles come from before 2010 and will reach beyond!”
This is a call out for direct action and solidarity. At the end of
October, the Olympic Torch will come from Greece to Canada.
Council of Canadians Criticizes Olympic Industry
Garry John and Maude Barlow: 2010 Olympics will leave legacy of social, environmental destruction
Publish Date: October 9, 2009
By Garry John and Maude Barlow
Civil Liberties Law-Suit Against Olympic Gag Order
October 7, 2009
For immediate release
BCCLA helps activists sue City over Olympic gag law
Olympic sweater not a Cowichan, Hudson's Bay Company says
By Bruce Constantineau, Vancouver Sun, October 8, 2009
The hot-selling, $350 hand-knit Olympic sweater flying off store shelves at The Bay is definitely not a Cowichan sweater, Hudson's Bay Company insisted Thursday.
Anti-Olympic protester supports violent opposition
By CBC News - October 14, 2009
A self-described "native warrior" and proponent of what he calls "direct action" has told CBC News that he supports virtually any effort to disrupt the 2010 Olympic Games, including acts of violence.
Vancouver teachers' bid to link Olympics to Holocaust not in students' interest
By Michael Smyth, The Province - October 16, 2009
Canada likely to face criticism over first nations
Send in the Clowns: Olympic Security Exercise Flops
Olympics' Top Cop Helped Blow up Truck at Gustafsen Stand-off
Olympic Update
Vancouver Police Department, 2009-10-22
Chief Constable Jim Chu was joined by VPD Deputy Chief Sweeney, as well as RCMP Superintendent Kevin deBruykere from the Vancouver 2010 Integrated Security Unit for the Olympics Games, as he made the following statement regarding the Olympics:
Mercer Blasted APEC Protesters with Pepper Spray
Commission slammed Mounties' hair trigger use of force at 1997 summit. Third in a series profiling the 2010 Olympics' top cop.
By Bob Mackin, Vancouver 24 hours and Geoff Dembicki, 22 October 2009, TheTyee.ca
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