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First of all, while Parliament remains closed and the voice of the electorate has been silenced (but not on the streets, nor the news- room editorials of the country) by our great leader; people still get ill . I am referring to Jack Layton’s cancerous condition. This is quite sad and bad news for the whole country. Until recently this rogue government’s down fall was almost immanent and assured. With the NDP leader out of the game apparently, this is no longer the case. Of course, if his wife, the MP Olivia Chow took over the party leadership (in interim), then things might be brighter. At least until a vote of non-confidence can be passed to bring down this ruling clique of quislings , thuggish usurpers and petro-robber barons.

Our great leader has shown how compassionate he is towards the mothers and childern in this world of woe. His personality swings from “Richard the III” to “Mother Teresa”, depending on the poll numbers. And they are not looking good fro him or the all-mighty party either. Liberals and Conservatives are in a dead heat tie. The Liberal opposition leader has made abortion his own “cause celebre” stealing some of our great leader’s thunder.

Meanwhile, our great leader’s party is immersed in a nasty tiff with one of its stalwart supporters: Canada’s Jewish community. It seems our great leader's overweening affection for this community is too close for even their comfort. Accusations are rife and flying in Ottawa at how this government is using and deliberately stirring up anti- Semitism to portray itself as the self- appointed protectors and defenders of Israel and the "chosen people". Boy, let me tell you, with friends like these (the Conservatives) who (including Israel) needs enemies?

I read a while back in one of the main national dailies that this government keeps tabs on every ethic and religious community in the country. Most likely for electoral reasons. Our great leader sends greetings and good wishes to members of the Jewish community in Toronto. Yet there could be something more sinister to this display of good-will. Why is the citizenry in a so called "secular state" being classified according to their religion and their names collected in data banks? For what purpose? Under Nazi occupation in France, the collaborationist Vichy regime kept files on all French Jews. Does this rogue regime also do that sort of thing? It looks like it does. Maybe, I'm just too senstivie to these "routine" quasi police state measures. But then it goes with the terrritory of coming from a family of Holocaust survivors. Who else or what other groups are on these government kept lists? Just as a historical note: Richard Nixon towards the end of his embattled presidency, also resorted in quiet desperation, to keeping a "black-list" of his real and imagined enemies. It didn't help him much though. Perhaps our great leader might have more luck this time.

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