Free workshops to build resistance!
Saturday May 15th
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
SFU Harbour Centre
515 West Hastings Street
[ full schedule is below ]
Followed by Action to support False Promises on False Creek
Rally for affordable housing
Science World (By Main St skytrain station)
10:30 - 12:00 [ 3 workshops ]
>> Occupation, Globalization and Displacement: workshop on the G8/G20
(ROOM: 2290)
>> Emancipatory Education Workshop (ROOM: 2280)
>> Does Capitalism make you Sick? Health Inequalities & the Drive to
Privatize (ROOM: 1510)
12:15 - 1:45 [ 3 workshops ]
>> Workshop on localizing resistance to trade agreements (ROOM: 1510)
>> Street Tactics Workshop (ROOM: 2290)
>> Uprooting Journalism: Workshop with Vancouver Media Co-op (ROOM: 2280)
Occupation, Globalization, and Displacement
[ 10:30 - noon, ROOM 2290 ]
A workshop that will explore the specific processes of the G8 and direct
complicity in empire-building, militarization, corporate globalization,
mass displacement and creation of poverty, destruction of the land, and
restrictive border policing. This workshop will also discuss ways to
resist the G8 and similar institutions from an anti-capitalist,
anti-colonial, and anti-oppression framework. Workshop will be facilitated
by No One Is Illegal Vancouver, Coast Salish Territories
Emancipatory Education
[ 10:30 - noon, ROOM 2280 ]
Everyone has some experience with education. Did your experience liberate
you? Come prepared to share in this participatory workshop where we
explore the possibilities for education as a vehicle for social
transformation. We will have some conversations about emancipatory vs.
totalitarian schooling, education and the global market economy, and
community grassroots initiatives for education. Hopeful you will walk away
with a head brimming with ideas and some connections to help make
educational change an inevitability in your community.
Does Capitalism make you Sick? Health Inequalities and the Drive to Privatize
[ 10:30 - noon, ROOM 1510 ]
Join organizers from the Alliance for People’s Health in a popular
education session on understanding the economic roots of our ill-health.
Share your experiences with health care and the social determinants of
health. Educate yourself about the trends towards privatization in health
and social services including the recent BC government attacks on welfare
and disability. Envision and learn about grassroots approaches to educate,
organize and mobilize our communities into action.
Localizing Resistance to Trade Agreements
[ 12:15 - 1:45, ROOM 1510 ]
An interactive workshop on developing new strategies to challenge
neo-liberal trade agreements. New strategies are aimed to empower local
community based organizing against trade agreements, something that is
often difficult for campaigns that focus on the decisions of national or
provincial governments. The current economic crisis and increasing public
awareness of environmental and climate concerns provides an opportunity to
re-examine campaigns against trade agreements.
Street Tactics Workshop
[ 12:15 - 1:45, ROOM 2290 ]
An overview of the different strategies used by demonstration to prevent
harm on their side and improve chances to achieve their goals. A rough
overview of maneuvers used by anti-globalization protests on the east
coast to protect themselves and
overcome police forces.
Uprooting Journalism
[ 12:15 - 1:45, ROOM 2280 ]
The Vancouver Media Co-op invites you to a discussion about bringing
journalism back to the grassroots. Questions to be explored include what
kind of skills do people want and need in order to work as rebel
reporters? How can the VMC nourish our movements and foster horizontal
communication? What tools, techniques and tips do media makers and
activists have to get our issues into the media? VMC collective members
will also introduce our programs this summer, including hands-on video and
radio opportunities, stories to cover (including the G20 in Toronto), and
upcoming investigative journalism workshops.
The site for the Vancouver local of The Media Co-op has been archived and will no longer be updated. Please visit the main Media Co-op website to learn more about the organization.