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posted by dawn on Jun 2, 2010 - View profile


Community Forum: Rejecting Kenney the Neo-conservative Ideologue

Monday June 14 2010

Venue: Learning Resource Room Britannia Community Center
Address: West side of Commercial Drive at Napier Street
Cost: free

Join No One Is Illegal for a community forum and discussion on
Conservative MP and Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Jason Kenney's
recent neoconservative attacks on lesbian, gay, trans, and queer
communities; Muslim women; immigrants; and his ongoing support for
Canadian military occupations and the Israeli apartheid regime.

Jason Kenney has repeatedly made comments about Canada not being a 'hotel'
and wanting to get tough on immigrants who do not "integrate" or speak the
(colonial) languages of English and French. Kenney also supports Quebec
Bill C-94 that discriminates against women who wear the niqab (face veil)
by denying them essential public services including health and education.
This legislates the unequal treatment of Muslim women based on their
choices of religious and personal expression.

In 2009, Kenney introduced a new citizenship guide which listed the
obligations of citizenship as including getting a job and not engaging in
"barbaric cultural practices". The latter section is accompanied by an
image of a woman wearing a hijab. Notably omitted from this new
citizenship guide is mention of the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and
trans people. It was later revealed that Kenney had deliberately removed
LGBT references from the guide.

The guide does, however, make ample room for Canada's military history and
a recruitment advertisement given Kenney's vocal support for imperialist
wars and military occupations:
- Labeling Iraq war resisters as bogus refugee claimants.
- Barring British MP George Galloway, because of his opposition to the
military occupation of Afghanistan.
- Pulling Canada out of the Durban World Conference Against Racism even
before the apartheid state of Israel did.
- Cutting ESL funding to the Canadian Arab Federation due to their
involvement in pro-Palestinian efforts.

Join us in a forum and discussion on the role of Jason Kenney and the
Canadian government in supporting oppression and occupation.

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