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Where Did All the Missing People Go?

Blog posts are the work of individual contributors, reflecting their thoughts, opinions and research.

Holli Innes warned her friend Marnie Frey that she should not go back out to the pig farm, because they had already been out there twice and Holli had noticed that the women who went out a third time were not coming back.


Holli lived at the Empress Hotel in the DTES. A woman named Linda, who also lived in the hotel, kept a tally on how many times a woman had been to the farm. When a woman who had visited the farm twice before was next hard up for her drug of choice, Linda called Willy and he showed up at the hotel, where Linda knocked on their door saying, Willy's here for you.


Willy, waving the drug in front of the woman, would entice them to his van behind the hotel. there he would bang them up, then strip them of their clothing and shackle them, wrists and ankles, face-down to the floor of the van, then take off.


This happened to Holli Innes. She knew where she was going and knew she would not return. She had followed Willy thinking she could sweet talk him out of the drug and be on her way, but that is not the way it turned out.


Willy sped off out of the alleyway with Holli in the back of the van. She knew she had to get out of the predicament or she would die, so she threatened to have a shit in the back of his van if he did not let her up. So he pulled into the alleyway behind the Powell Place Women's shelter in the DTES where he let her up, put a wire pig noose around her neck and let her out the side of the van into the alleyway for a dump.


She was still naked and when she stooped down, she grabbed the wire at the back of her neck and yanked it out of Pickton's hands and took off running. She ran to the Community "Safety" Office and told the policeman in charge what had happened. His response was not to take a report and act on the info, NO! He told Holli that she was "only tweaking", LAUGHED AT HER and sent her home alone, naked, never even thinking twice about it.


So, it seems the RCMP are quite right about the VPD and it also seems quite apparent that the VPD are now lying about it all, as usual. They have become so addicted to the "cover up" that even they do not know what is true anymore and couldn't tell it if it bit them in the tush.


Needless to say, Holli had to go before the cops could only bust Willy, because the other part of the cover up is that when Holli and her friend visited the farm, they saw who else was out there, off duty RCMP officers Why else was it called "Piggy's" Palace?


The RCMP would have my family believe that Holli shot herself up with windshield wiper fluid in a suicide, but that is a blatant LIE. Just like the LIE VPD told about the deaths of (at least) two abducted women, Ruth Thompson and Denise Stilwell in 2003; the guy was still busy since he was still at large. Only in 2003 (and prior) there were more than one serial killer at work; there were two more that the cops "failed" to take a report on.


One of them is now dead, but the other is STILL AT LARGE to which the spate of men & women who have vanished over the past decade (in Vancouver and beyond) will attest. The man stands about 6' tall, has a robust build and is barrel-chested. He is an American from Oregon. But I'll not spill any more beans right now. After all, maybe the cops are right and I have "just imagined" the whole thing..... NOT.


Now the really sad part of this story is, when I witnessed the man from Oregon abduct three women in 2003, I tried to get the same Community Safety Officer to take a report, but you know what he and several other VPD officers did when I told them what I had witnessed? They LAUGHED, of course, and like with Holli, did absolutely NOTHING about it, even though I had a license plate number of the guy (actually two men, one was the driver and the other the abductor). The cops even went so far as to claim, falsely, that Ruth Thompson and Denise Stilwell had committed suicide, even though I had witnesseed their abductions and reported Denise Stilwell's abduction on December 27, 2003.


Neither women was found for three weeks, time enough for the wounds they received on their wrists when abducted, to heal. The reason VPD gave for jumping to the conclusion of "suicide"? They  had no wounds, no signs of a struggle.


So be warned, cops will allow a serial killer to not only abduct people at will, but they extend him the courtesy of allowing him three full weeks with his victims in order to heal the wounds he gave them when he yanked them off the street, making that suicide leap readily available to the "lackadaisical" police. I guess the police theory is, "why work hard if you don't have to?" A cop simply cannot be THAT ignorant and STILL be a GOOD cop; it is scientifically impossible.


Now I had tried to report the first woman whose abduction I had witnessed, but was laughed at. I do not know who she was, but think she was a native woman with dark hair, wearing a white coat and high heels. I did not report Ruth Thompson's abduction at the end of October 2003, even though she screamed and fought hard and long, because VPD officer 2175 and Suzanne of the mental health team, threatened to place me in a mental hospital if I called about seeing the suspect in the area again. And he WAS in the DTES all that fall and winter, abducting women on welfare week.


By the time Denise was abducted on December 27, 2003, I did not care if they DID place me in a mental hospital, I reported her abduction anyway, yet the cops did nothing about it, wouldn't even LET me give them the license plate number of hte guy. Denise was reported missing by her employer, the DTES Women's Centre, who had removed the warning poster I had put up to help women stay safe. Their own employee never saw the poster and away she went. I was frightened out of my mind that the women I thought I could rely on, failed, not only me, but their own employees. I was so sad and scared.


So of course I found it more than suspicious when the cops claimed she committed suicide upon finding her body THREE weeks later. The DTES Women's Centre never batted an eye, never mentioned that I had placed a warning poster up about the abductors and to this day staunchly defend the cops assessment that Denise Stilwell committed suicide. See why women go missing so easily in the DTES?


I know some of you think the women had it coming so why bother getting upset? Well let me ask you, who is going missing now?


There have been well over 300 people (men and women) disappear from the DTES since the arrest of only Willy Pickton. There are scads more people missing from all over the province. The guy must like long road trips. Good luck to all who visit "beautiful" Vancouver. I wish you luck.


So the moral to this story is: if my sister is not important, neither is yours.


At least not to a well seasoned serial killer. Like my neighbour, who heard Ruth Thompson scream bloody murder the night she was snatched, said when I asked if he called 911, "If the cops don't care, why should I?"


I would have called police right away after the abdcutions, but had no phone and the only phone available was right across from where the women got abducted, a pay phone that often did not work. Funny thing though, the Community Safety Officer tried repeatedly to get me to leave the hotel and run to the corner phone, a good 100 metres away from the front door of the Europe Hotel and call 911, at 2 AM, right after witnessing an abduction, without so much as a dog. What if that was where the women were headed when they met their fate?


So I waited until it was light enough and safe enough to go outside. I had begged repeatedly the VPD, BWSS, WAVAW and the DTES Women's Centre to please give me a 911 cell phone so I could make the 911 call in a more timely fashion, a request at which they turned their noses up. "Fend for yourself honey. You'll only sell the phone!" If I am not important enough to protect, neither are you.


Take real good care when visiting the DTES because most poor people cannot afford a phone and will not be able to call for help should anything happen to you. The wealthier residents just couldn't be bothered to help a screaming woman... or man. And young men are going missing all over the province, foot by foot. Black Market Organ Trade?


BTW the 911 phones VPD recently sprinkled around the neighbourhood are not safe enough to use in the middle of the night when all the crime happens. Residents will still wait till morning to make a call, if they even feel like trying. They know they will be laughed at, so why bother? Besides, like so many have said, "They are not worth saving". And the beat goes on.




You know, after what happened to Holli Innes, the woman wearing the white coat and high heels,  Ruth Thompson and Denise Stilwell had their death certificates falsified by the cops and the men that had killed them were off somewhere laughing about it all, I knew this meant war. I knew if I did not do something drastic, I would be next. So when the Mayor and his bitch, Chief Jamie Graham, called for a community Safety Forum in Yaletown at the Roundhouse Mews, I was overjoyed.


I had been through HELL for the past six months, was worried out of my mind that at the end of every month   cops would just laugh at me while writing "suicide" on the death certificates of the women whose abductions I witnessed. This was no nightmare. It was the real deal, as real a deal as Willy Pickton, times two serial killers and all THEIR bitches, the cops.  So news of a Safety Meeting was welcomed.


Eveyone who was anyone attended, all the residents of Yaletown, The Mayor, Chief of Police and their distinguished rows of lawyers filled in the flanks at the back of the room. There were a half dozen or so Banquet tables set up with the community gathered around to talk about "their" safety, not the the safety of the poor in the DTES who had THE MOST to fear. The most dangerous thing in Yaletown is the amount of drunks in the neighbourhood at night. The biggest danger in the DTES are serial killers who come from outside the area, big difference.


The residents of Yaletown didn't know that women were still going missing in the DTES, regularly, because even though there was at least two witnesses to back up the Crimestopper report aired on October 2, 2003, not one reporter would cover the story. Not one. It was my duty to inform the public of what was going on, one way or another.


There was a table set up at the door. A woman had some handouts, so I took one, turned it over and wrote in big bold letters "5 Women + ABDUCTED in DTES since 9/03". At each table the community members were engaged in discussions about various aspects of safety. I walked from table to table silently showing my sign. I gave anyone who as interested in reading it time to read it and answered any questions when asked, politely, truthfully and quietly, respectful of everyone's rights, including mine.


To my surprise many people were actually concerned and listened. There were lawyer's in the back of the room for whose help I had asked in September, October, November & December of 2003, just one month earlier. None of them would help, not one.


The Mayor's secretary came running up behind me just as the Mayor started speaking. I turned and held my finger to my mouth, "Shhh" I said to her and continued silently going from table to table showing my sign and answering questions politely.


At the break I spoke with the Mayor's secretary about the problem, trying to explain to her that there was evidence that could lead to a serial killer. She said to speak with the Mayor who was off by himself in the lobby. When I spoke to him about the abductions, the man who abducted three women and the white car he drove, the mayor laughed at me and said I was crazy, turned his back and walked off, VPD style.


So it WAS war, was it?


The Mayor stood in the Rontundra talking with the Chief. I looked at them both and started screaming to the top of my lungs. I screamed all about the man who had abducted four women, three that I had witnessed plus one mentioned in the Crimestopper report of October 2, 2003. I screamed out "I am making a public disturbance, sir. Arrest me!".


The chief of police ran in circles around the Mayor like a pooch needing a pee. He looked up at the Mayor as if to asked, "What do we do?". Just let her scream it out and ignore her. So I did scream, "What's the matter, sir? Are you afraid to stand before a judge with me?" then left; not one
charge. With all the media that was present, not one reporter ask me any questions at all, not even Global who had aired the Crimestopper report.


I know I am in for it with the cops. They are definitely hiding something big, something VERY BIG. When the rinse cycle is finished, will the dirt have gone? Or just a few more women like me?

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Even Jana MacGuinness

When I heard that Denise's body had been found, dead, I called media spokesperson Jana MacGuiness and said that VPD had to answer for this because they had ignored me in September when I first reported the abductor operating in the DTES.... and they laughed at me for reporting it.

So Jana's response to my call was, "Suicide" on the death certificates of Ruth Thompson and Denise Stillwell; the VPD FALSIFIED the death certificates of the two women! Was it to protect their asses from a horrible mistake or was it part of a cover up of something much bigger?

Are the RCMP AND the VPD really just the buffoons they hope we believe they are OR are they covering up their involvement in what went on at the pig farm, like Holli Innes claimed?

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