So it looks like Tuesday evening will be a busy one for the NDP, and that means opportunities for the Social Housing Coalition to engage NDP members and supporters with our demands for social housing and rent controls. There are two back-to-back events that night:
with Adrian Dix
Tuesday, April 16th, 2013 at 5:00 pm
Hotel Vancouver (900 W. Georgia Street)
Tuesday, April 16th, 2013 at 6:30 pm
Floata Restaurant (180 Keefer Street)
This week, the NDP released their 2013 election platform fiscal plan and there is not much room in there for housing. After 12 years of BC Liberal rule, the housing crisis in BC has made Vancouver the most expensive place in North America and one of the most unaffordable places in the world. The only city with a less affordable housing market than Vancouver is Hong Kong, but the difference is that in Hong Kong, about half the housing is social housing for low-income people.
Come to one or both of these events to call on the BC NDP to take action to end the Liberal legacy by launching a serious social housing program and put in rent controls to end the housing crisis in BC.
Organized by:
Social Housing Coalition BC • •
Stay Connected with Social Housing Coalition BC
twitter: @stand4housing
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