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Original Peoples Working Group

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The Original Peoples working group is dedicated to covering issues and new developments related to Indigenous communities within the boundaries of Canada and worldwide.

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Posts in Original Peoples

Vancouver Media Co-op

February 23, 2010

Land disputes continue despite Olympics

Okanagan indigenous community blocks access to logging company

» Story: by Andrew Crosby - 3 comments
Vancouver Media Co-op

February 18, 2010

Meanwhile: Tsilhqot’in chiefs protest mine

» Blog: posted by dru
Vancouver Media Co-op

February 15, 2010

When Olympics Critiques Filter Into Mainstream

» Blog: posted by Gwalgen Dent
Vancouver Media Co-op

February 15, 2010

This Is Where the Revolution Starts

19th Women's Memorial March honours 3,000 missing and murdered women

» Story: by Moira Peters - 2 comments
Vancouver Media Co-op

February 14, 2010

Women's Memorial March

» 5 photos: View - by murray bush - flux
Vancouver Media Co-op

February 13, 2010

We Say Protest, We Say Party!

» Story: by Moira Peters
Vancouver Media Co-op

February 12, 2010

Indigenous Activists Discuss Oppression and Resistance in Lead up to Games

» Blog: posted by acrosby
Vancouver Media Co-op

February 10, 2010

Media Invited to Stand with Missing and Murdered Women

Press asked to be part of the change, not perpetuate the problem

» Story: by Moira Peters - 1 comments
Vancouver Media Co-op

February 8, 2010


» Blog: posted by vanrad
Vancouver Media Co-op

February 8, 2010

Miranda Dick from the Secwepemc nation talking about the consequences of the Olympics on indigenous lands

at a event in Montreal in december 2009 before the protest against the torch rally organized by the Montreal chapter of Peoples Global Action (PGA)

» Listen: by CKUT News Collective
Vancouver Media Co-op

February 4, 2010

See video

Indn Arts'n Action - Make it Real.

» Video: Watch by Abe
Vancouver Media Co-op

January 10, 2010

January issue of the St’át’imc Runner

Vancouver Media Co-op

January 3, 2010

Movie night at Spartacus every sunday 20:30pm

» Blog: posted by vanrad
Vancouver Media Co-op

December 15, 2009

A Board Room--Somewhere, Canada

» Blog: posted by Dubs
Vancouver Media Co-op

December 5, 2009


» Blog: posted by vanrad
Vancouver Media Co-op

December 3, 2009

See video

Resistance without Reservation: Indigenous Soveriegnty Week (part III)

» Video: Watch by Abe
Vancouver Media Co-op

December 1, 2009

See video

Resistance without Reservation: Indigenous Soveriegnty Week (part II)

» Video: Watch by Abe

The site for the Vancouver local of The Media Co-op has been archived and will no longer be updated. Please visit the main Media Co-op website to learn more about the organization.