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Imperialists Hands off Iran! Nuclear Talks, Sanctions & War

Free Public Forum

- 10:00pm
Tuesday December 3 2013

Venue: Britannia Community Center
Address: 1661 Napier St. at Commercial Dr.
Cost: FREE
Accessibility: this space is wheelchair accessible

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Free Public Forum:
>> Imperialists Hands off Iran! Nuclear Talks, Sanctions & War

TUESDAY December 3rd, 2013
Britannia Community Center
1661 Napier St. at Commercial Dr.
Speakers ~ Multimedia ~ Discussion
On Sunday November 24th, talks in Geneva between Iran and the P5+1 United Nations Security Council countries resulted a deal which will temporarily ease some of the US sanctions against Iran, in return for limitations on Iran’s nuclear energy program. While the majority of sanctions are still in effect against Iran, including Canada’s sanctions against Iran which remain in full force, ending all sanctions against Iran remains an important and human demand. 
This forum will center on some of the critical questions surrounding the recent deal, including the question of who is benefiting, which is being constantly debated right now in the main stream media, especially in the US. The forum will also be discussing why a large section of the American ruling class as well as American media are notably anxious about the US/Iran deal, as well as what does the interim agreement signify and what does it mean for the future of US/Iranian relations.
Join this forum to discuss the outcome of the 5+1 Geneva talks, the continuing threats and sanctions imposed against Iran by the US as well as by Canada and EU, and how antiwar activists can continue to organize actions demanding hands off Iran!
>> Mahtab Eskandari, Iranian academic researcher, writer, radio broadcaster, PhD.UBC
>> Ali Yerevani, Iranian political analyst & social justice organizer and political editor
>> Phil Wilayto, speaking through video conference, U.S. researcher, social justice organizer, editor of the Virginia defender newspaper, author of “In Defense of Iran.”
Organized by Fire This Time Movement for Social Justice
Phone: (604) 322-1764
Fax: (604) 322-1763
Twitter: @firethistimemov
Endorsed by Mobilization Against War & Occupation (MAWO)

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