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posted by dawn on Jun 2, 2010 - View profile


The People's March v. Jason Kenney!

All out against Kenney in Vancouver

Saturday July 24 2010

Venue: Central Park
Address: Right outside Patterson Skytrain Station, Burnaby Snacks will be served. Bring your family, friends, and banners.

» More information

“I plead guilty. I am a racist” – Jason Kenney, Montreal 2009.

Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Jason Kenney is
known as the Minister of Censorship and Deportation because of his record
as one of the most repressive immigration ministers in Canadian history.
Deportations have increased, while the number of people accepted as
refugees and sponsored family members have drastically dropped. Instead,
Kenney has increased the number of temporary workers who are constantly
exploited for their labour. His new refugee bill creates a racist two tier
system based on nationality, and he has called a wide range of migrants–
from Mexicans to the War Resisters – “bogus”. Under his regime, an
Eritrean refugee committed suicide from fear of a pending deportation, and
a young woman was murdered upon her deportation to Mexico.

Kenney is also a staunch supporter of imperialism, stifling anti war
voices such as George Galloway and the Canadian Arab Federation. Kenney’s
neoconservative values are obvious in his comments and actions: pulling
Canada out of the Durban World Conference Against Racism; introducing a
citizenship guide that omits the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans
and queer (LGBTQ) communities; defending Quebec Bill C-94 that
discriminates against women who wear the niqab; and stating that
immigrants are not integrating well into (colonial) Canada.

Join the People’s March Against Jason Kenney on July 24th to demand an END
to censorship of dissenting voices. An END to detentions and deportations.
An END to the exploitation of temporary migrant workers. An END to
military occupations from Afghanistan to Palestine. An END to
discrimination against women, LGBTQ communities, immigrants, and
racialized people. We are rising out of schools, neighbourhoods, and
workplaces to reject Kenney's agenda; join this grassroots movement and
rise up with us!

The People v. Kenney
Freedom to move
Right to stay, and to Return
We are many.

1) Participate in the People’s March Against Kenney by organizing a march
in your city on July 24 and always confront Kenney if he rolls into your
2) Download leaflets and multilingual pamphlets from and spread the word.
3) Plan a community forum to raise awareness about the escalating attacks
by Jason Kenney.
4)  Comment on online news stories, send a letter to the Editor, or write
your local MP regarding Kenney. Keep it short: “Minister Kenney is a
racist, anti-immigrant, war-mongering Conservative. The Minister of
Censorship and Deportation has got to go!”
5) Write Kenney at and and tell him what
you think!

Read more about the People v. Jason Kenney Campaign:

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Is  it  at  12  or  2?  The

Is  it  at  12  or  2?  The No One is Illegal website says 2.

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