Olympic Resistance Network

Olympic Resistance Network


Communique by Olympics Resistance Network

Warehouse for Homeless in 2010

Anti-Olympic activist questions 2010 homeless plan

'Warehouse' rumour prompts freedom of information request

Cheryl Rossi, Vancouver Courier
Published: Wednesday, September 03, 2008

3M: a 2010 corporate sponsor

3M to dress up Olympic sites

London Free Press, September 11, 2008

Vancouver police hire former mercenaries for 2010

VPD inches closer to Olympic goal with new recruits

David Hogben
Vancouver Sun
Friday, September 12, 2008

VANCOUVER -The Vancouver police department moved 15 recruits closer Thursday to its staffing goal for the 2010 Winter Olympics.

Report Finds 'Stunning' Increase in Vancouver Homeless

'Stunning' increase in numbeof Greater Vancouver homeless

373 per cent jump since 2002 count

Jack Keating, The Province
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

'Spirit Train' Already Disrupted (if not disturbed)!

National Olympic booster event gearing up amid threats of protest

Canadian Press, Sept.19, 2008

Crazy Calgary Cops Contact No2010.com Re: Spirit Train

Crazy Calgary Cops Contact No2010.com Re: Spirit Train

Calgary Police recently contacted No2010.com requesting information about any planned protests against the CP 'Spirit Train' when it rolls into that city later this month. Below is our response.

Disrupt CP's 'Spirit Train' Sunday Sept. 21, 2008

Disrupt CP's 'Spirit Train' Sunday Sept. 21, 2008

The CP Spirit Train is an Olympic propaganda machine spreading the ideals of capitalist colonialism across Turtle Island. The train will be launched Sunday Sept. 21, 2008, in Port Moody, 'BC', by Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR)and VANOC (Vancouver Olympic Organizing Comittee).

Protesters Disrupt "Spirit Train" Sendoff - Two arrested, festivities cancelled

Protesters Disrupt "Spirit Train" Sendoff - Two arrested, festivities cancelled

September, 2008

The Dominion - http://www.dominionpaper.ca
by Dawn Paley

Mission Accomplished: 'Spirit Train' Launch Disrupted!

Mission Accomplished: 'Spirit Train' Launch Disrupted!

The official launch of the CP 'Spirit Train' from Port Moody, BC (a suburb of Vancouver) was successfully disrupted by up to 75 protesters, who took over the front of the stage area holding banners and drowning out event performers and MC's with megaphones, foghorns, pots & pans, and chan



A more complete reportback is forthcoming, however some basic news,updates, and photos are compiled below.

Olympics Resistance Network
News Release to Mainstream Media:

Anti-Olympics Movement Expands to Edmonton!

Anti-Olympics Movement Expands to Edmonton!

Sat Sept 27, 2008: Free Event at Native Friendship Center in Edmonton (see below)

Anti-Olympic efforts come to Edmonton

VueWeekly, Week of Sept. 25, 2008, No. 675

SCOTT HARRIS / scott@vueweekly.com

Property Destruction Turns Up the Heat

Property Destruction Turns up the Heat

Riot 2010 & Smash ICE
By Custodeus

Earth First! Journal, Mabon 2008, Vol. 28, No. 6

Olympic Sign Cut Down in Whistler

2010 Olympic Sign Vandalized

Chainsaw used to cut down VANOC/MOT sign; police probe weekend incident

September 25, 2008

David Burke, The Question

Corporate Media Not Happy with Anti-Olympic Protests...

Protests are fine, but stop the obnoxious profanity

Globe and Mail
September 25, 2008