ORN Press Conference Re: Police Harassment

Activists Take Legal Action against Harassment by Olympic Police - Olympic Resistance Network press conference June 24


Vancouver, Coast Salish Territory - The Olympic Resistance Network (ORN)
will hold a press conference on the legal response to visits from the Vancouver 2010 Integrated Security Unit (VISU).
What: ORN Press Conference: distribution of letter from ORN legal counse to VISU; speakers from BC Civil Liberties Association, ORN, Indigenous activists from the Mount Currie area, as well as other individuals approached by VISU.
When: Tomorrow (Wednesday, June 24 10:00AM PST)
Where: Olympic Clock, (Hornby and Georgia corner) Vancouver Art Gallery

Twelve members of ORN, with the assistance of the BC Civil Liberties Association (BCCLA) and legal representation from Jason Gratl, have sent a letter to Assistant Commissioner Bud Mercer, Chief Operating Officer of VISU, demanding that the police and intelligence agents cease and desist harassment of Olympic critics. This letter will be made public at the press conference.

Mr. Gratl advises that since the letter has been received by VISU, if harassment continues, court action would be merited. VISU has already continued to question people’s neighbours and target locations at which Olympic critics spend time, after receiving the legal notice.

During the past 10 months, over two dozen Olympic critics, members of ORN and indigenous activists have been accosted by VISU officers in public, at home, at work, and at City Hall. VISU has sat in on various community
meetings as a way to monitor and intimidate activists and the public. Officers have harassed the neighbours, friends and even parents of Olympic critics. Their message is clear: We know who you are and we know where you live. Police tactics like this attempt to intimidate lawful political organising and freedom of expression.

Many individuals and organizations are in the VISU cross hairs. Indigenous
and Downtown Eastside community groups have long been targeted by VISU, the RCMP, and VPD for political intimidation. Disappearing low income housing is a key issue for critics of the Games. According to Carol
Martin, a victim services worker in the Downtown Eastside: “The Bid
Committee promised that not a single person would be displaced due to the
Games, but there are now 3000 homeless people sleeping on
Vancouver’s streets (a 373 % increase since the Bid) and these people
are facing increased police harassment as they try to clean the streets in the lead up to the Games.”

“It is not a coincidence that handing out of over 2000 tickets for minor
bylaw infractions like jaywalking, which is being selectively enforced in
the DTES, is happening in the lead up to the Games. The Vancouver Police
Department will have an increased police presence in the DTES over the
next year,” says Priscillia Mays, a member of the Power of Women Group at
the Downtown Eastside Women’s Center.

According to Garth Mullins of ORN, “this type of conspicuous
policing creates a chilly climate for dissent. Several of us spoke at City
Hall against a bylaw amendment restricting anti-Olympics signs. VISU
police sat in the public gallery and ambushed us on the steps of City
Hall. Earlier this month, VISU police went to my home and workplace. These
police state tactics say to people that if you have concerns and speak out, VISU has your number.”



Garth Mullins: 604-831-6967
Cara Fisher: 604-319-2102

www.olympicresistance.net - olympicresistance@riseup.net - www.no2010.com

* Globe and Mail: Stop harassing us, Olympic protesters tell police

* CBC News: RCMP using intimidation to silence Olympic protest, group says

* The Province: Anti-Olympic activists object

* Canadian Press: Olympic opponents threaten legal action over tactics of
2010 security team

* 24 hours: Anti-Olympic activists demand police lay off

* Metro: Olympic opponents threaten legal action

* Anti-Olympics activists to police: Stop harassing us or we'll sue