Thought Police Working Overtime in Whistler

Thought police working overtime in Whistler

By Word of the Rings, May 19 2009
Pina Belperio

Over the past few months, law abiding citizens along with dissenters of
the 2010 Olympic Games have been visited at home, at work or by phone.[2]

It appears that Olympic host cities, Whistler and Vancouver are full of
creepy crawlies these days, but it has nothing to do with bedbugs or rats.

Over the past few months, law abiding citizens along with dissenters of
the 2010 Olympic Games have been visited in some form or another at
home, at work, or by phone by the Vancouver 2010 Integrated Security
Unit (ISU).

When you have a billion dollars security budget to play with, the sky's
the limit.

In Vancouver, members of the Olympic Resistance Network (ORN) have been
pulled over by the VPD and asked to comply with a "random" identity
check. Chris Shaw explains being pulled over by the VPD. [3]

In another case, a 73-year old Surrey man wrote an unflattering letter
to VANOC and received a visit by the Olympic police to try to discover
his true intentions about the Games.

In mid-January members of the RCMP's 2010 Integrated Security Unit
attempted to meet with and gather information from members of the
Lil'wat at Mt. Currie.

Not only are Whistler residents being monitored by radar satellites and
military aircraft, and on the ground by Google's Street View, Olympic
police are asking pre-selected residents to spy on neighbours and to
report back on anyone who speaks out against the Games - like something
out of a B-grade sci-fi movie.

In the past weeks, several Whistler residents have been approached by
undercover ISU police officers and interrogated about their views on the
Olympics. Given the level of discontent with current Whistler mayor and
bureaucrats, and VANOC's lack of transparency, the entire town could be
under surveillance.

It's clear that when it comes to the Olympics and the IOC "you're either
with us or against us." Shows just how far the IOC will go to protect
its brand.

Sounds eerily reminiscent of the special mind control and surveillance
techniques used during and after the Cold War by the KGB in Russia or
suppression techniques used by communist China to fight public dissent.

Whistler's local paper, Pique Newsmagazine reported May 7, 2009 [4] that
closed-circuit television cameras (CCTV) will be used in Whistler during
the 2010 Games to "protect" Olympic venues. Although the number of
cameras is unknown, VANOC claims that ".. there are no plans to leave
assets behind at venues..."

The CCTV cameras have never been taken down after past Olympic Games, so
why would the 2010 Games be any different? Me thinks the CCTV cameras
are here to stay.

Up until last year security guards wishing to work in B.C. had to
undergo rigorous training and apply for a license from the provincial
Solicitor-General's ministry.

In an effort to help companies recruit and train security guards, the
government changed the legislation last September to allow companies to
obtain temporary 90-day licenses. Up to 5,000 security guards are needed
to screen at competition venues, the two athletes villages and several
media centres. The new legislation allows workers to work without any
formal training.The only screening process they need to undergo is a
fingerprint clearance process. The security contract was awarded to
Aeroguard, and to Salt Lake City-based Contemporary International and
Edmonton's United Protection Services Inc.

If that's not scary enough, the National Security Agency (NSA) is
developing a tool that George Orwell's Thought Police might have found
useful: an artificial intelligence system [5] designed to gain insight
into what people are thinking. It's known as Aquaint, which stands for
"Advanced QUestion Answering for INTelligence."

As more and more data is collected-through phone calls, credit card
receipts, social networks like Facebook and MySpace, GPS tracks, cell
phone geolocation, Internet searches -it may be possible to know not
just where people are and what they're doing, but what and how they think.

It's clear that increased security will become part of the lasting
legacy from the Games. Jacques Rogge's dream come true. A police state
for sure.