In the Network: Media Co-op Dominion   Locals: HalifaxMontrealTorontoVancouver

January 26, 2012

fall out follow up


Hey Folks

redjuniper here ... new to this site, support your ongoing work in ways i can ...

recently someone sent me this link regarding the fall out and 'coverage' by corp media - mainstream media ... i thought others would find it interesting as awareness is so limited, actually i would rather not know about some of this stuff ... i do think dominion is a good place to share the info as a good story could be put out about it.   i will think about that, too.

since i do my best to approach 'stories' with a 'solution' ... i find this info especially daunting, in terms of solutions ... yet, getting the ideas out that ... corp media continues to cover up our Rights To Know ... (i dont have to tell you folks)

in freedom and liberty


ps ... i am rough on the computeroutreach via websites of this nature, any and all feedback onhow best to be more effective on these forums, i am open to info ... thx

fallout is a global issue ... it knows no borders!



any thoughts

any thoughts out there on how to address the feelings of helplessness
(and hopelessness, i might add!) that comes with 'reporting' or even reading info on these fall out follow up considerations ?
i was sad to think i even brought the subject up ... yet, i think it is important that we all be aware of the shit coming down the pike ... yet, i guess if there is not anything we can really do about it ... ah, that helplessness again ...
IF there was a way i could figure out how to take this post off - i would. I do apologise for bringing up the negativity of it all - as it does not really serve anyone - except maybe those death dealers out there - i made a mistake by
going there myself - and bringing it on board here.
i hope you can excuse my mistake - in peace and love

more on this ... jan.27/12

HAZARDS OF NUCLEAR 'POWER and continued uranium mining in kkkanada?

corporate/mainstream take on fallout issue ... interesting / possible contacts ?

since i do my best to approach 'stories' with a 'solution' ... i find this info especially daunting, in terms of solutions ... yet, getting the ideas out that - ie.  corporate media continues to cover up our Rights To Know ... (i dont have to tell you folks) + who are paying their way anyway ? those mining interests ? corporate greed, etc. and how all this ties into the past, regarding energy, power, hemp 'n war on drugs - excuse any repeat on this ... still figuring out my way on this website style ...

in freedom and liberty  -        fallout knows no borders!   --   chossudovsky - writer who is very well informed / academic  ...
KEEP B.C. NUCLEAR FREE Stop Uranium Mining
www.bcchamber.orgPolicyPolicy & Positions ManualCached  - Uranium is increasingly referred to as the new “Green Power”. Any uranium mined in BC will assist in addressing world climate change efforts, and would create  -   and from what i am reading ... bctaxpayers are on hook to pay for stopping this uranium mining ... if you can believe mainstream news ... where is govt accountablility ? oh, never mind, that probably doesnt even exist, in reality ...

and     Uranium in Canada | Canadian Uranium Production
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20 Dec 2011 – Canada is the world's largest uranium producer, accounting for 20% of world ... one of which, McArthur River, is the largest uranium mine in the world. ... in the Atlantic provinces, Quebec province, Nunavut Territory in the far - and ... PEOPLE ARE RESISTING THIS  ...
To mine or not to mine: the case of uranium in Quebec | Montreal //
Quebec was a paradise for the mining industry, with one of the most lax legislation found in this country. Confronted by the economic downturn, the Charest.         
=== my hopes are to possibly 'inspire' someone to follow up on these ideas ... for me, it is over the top ...although if there is someone who wants to email dialog on this some ... especially with focus on WHAT PEOPLE are doing about it to stop it ... then i am interested in assisting and colloborating ... the topic is extremely challenging and being able to 'debrief'  with others is most helpful ... as with other 'intense' topics, balancing these efforts with present time caring n sharing really addresses the avoidance of severe burn out , depressive tendencies etc  +  helps in seeing a bigger picture through all this mayhem ...
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...  on with the mayhem ...
<< not sure what these little 'You +1'd this publicly. Undo'   is all about - i tried many times to get it off my msg ... anyhow, hope this comes thru to you ... 


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