US Homeland Security Prepares for 2010 Olympics

By Kevin Johnson, The Province/Gannett News Service, February 8, 2010

Indymedia Reporter Detained in 'No Man's Land' Enroute to Vancouver

Indymedia Reporter Detained in "No Mans Land" on his way to Vancouver Olympics

by Vancouver Media Co-op →2010 Olympics


VMC: Another independent journalist was turned away at the US-Canada
border Tuesday on his way to Vancouver to cover protests at the 2010
Olympic Games. John Weston Osburn, a long time indymedia activist,

David Zirin Column on Olympic Police State

The arrest of an independent reporter in the run-up to the Vancouver Winter Olympics is a troubling sign of a crackdown on dissent.

Dave Zirin - The Nation - February 10, 2010

Take Back Our City Call Out

‘Welcome’ the 2010 Olympic Torch with Free Games, Free Food and Free Speech!

* Friday, February 12, 2010, 3pm
* Vancouver Art Gallery (Georgia Street, between Howe and Hornby)

Join us in a public festival at the Vancouver Art Gallery at 3pm followed
by a march to protest the opening ceremonies of the 2010 Olympics at BC

Vancouver: 'Drug Central' of North America

Vancouver: 'Drug Central' of North America

Security Sety to Deal with Olympic Protesters

Security set to deal with Oly protests
Cops say they will 'ramp up' forces if necessary

Damian Inwood
The Province

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Hockey mom Theresa Watts carries the Olympic torch just after
leaving the Langley Events Centre on Monday.
CREDIT: Ian Smith, PNG

Olympic security police say they won't hesitate to "ramp up" their

Olympic Protesters Send Mixed Messages

Olympic protesters send mixed, memorized messages
Activists point fingers at Afghanistan, India, aboriginal land

Mark Hasiuk
Vancouver Courier

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

On an unseasonably warm afternoon last Thursday, while snow melted
on Cypress Mountain and road closures scattered downtown traffic, a

Security Plan Sends in Troops

Security plan sends in the troops
The Globe and Mail
By Steven Chase, The Globe and Mail Posted Thursday, February 11,
2010 12:17 AM ET

The nerve centre of the Canadian military force that will envelop
Vancouver's Winter Games in unprecedented security is based in a
drab Ottawa industrial park that belies its vital importance.

Just Pawns in the Game, Letter to Editor

Just pawns in the Games [letter]

Vancouver SunFebruary 11, 2010

With some misgivings, I supported Vancouver's Olympic bid in 2003,
partly because my son plays basketball for Team Canada and has his
own Olympic aspirations but mostly because the socially conscious
politicians Mike Harcourt and Jim Green were enthusiastic. My

Be a Good Sport and Forget $8 Billion Olympics

Be a good sport and try to forget the $8-billion price tag

Games benefits, once touted at $10 billion, are hard to pin down

By Vaughn Palmer, Vancouver SunFebruary 11, 2010

Before they light the cauldron to open the Winter Games on Friday,
one last look at the greatest of all international sporting events,

Olympic Tent Village Request for Support


Since Feb 15, 2010 the Olympic Tent Village has been set up at 58 West
Hastings, an empty lot owned by notorious condo developer Concord Pacific,
currently being leased by VANOC as a parking lot for the Olympics.

The first few days at the Olympic Tent Village have gone strongly and

Canada's Aboriginal Show and Tell

February 17, 2010

Solidarity Action in Bristol, UK, Feb 23, 2010

Bristol solidarity with anti-Olympic athletes

web link includes photo:

Bristol demo in solidarity with anti-olympic protests in Vancouver, Coast
Salish Territories No Olympics on Stolen Native Land!

Anti-Olympic Solidarity Action in Calgary, Feb 14, 2010

Valentine's day 2010, Calgary's finest Anarchists smashed up a local
McDonalds establishment in solidarity with comrades in Vancouver.
Olympic sponsors all over Calgary have been targeted in acts of