Attack on CP Rail, Toronto, Oct. 13, 2008

Attack on CP Rail!


Owners of Whistler Ski Resort Face Financial Crisis

Deadline day looms for Fortress

Ski operations likely to continue no matter what happens to Whistler-Blackcomb’s parent company
Pique Newsmagazine, Oct 23, 2008

By Clare Ogilvie

Economic Crisis 'Could' Impact 2010

Economic Crisis 'Could' Impact 2010

Economic crisis could impact Games: VANOC
Metro News, Vancouver, October 24, 2008

The worldwide economic storm could impact plans for the 2010 Winter Olympic Games, officials conceded yesterday.

Insite Concert Cancelled by Cops; Vancouver

Insite show halted by cops

Permits for benefit featuring Bedouin Soundclash rejected:?Police
Friday, October 24, 2008

2010 Olympics to Cut Costs Due to Economic Crisis

2010 Olympic officials seek ways to cut costs

Friday, October 24, 2008
The Canadian Press/

Three days of meetings between Vancouver and international Olympic officials ended Thursday with the message that the countdown to the Games needs to include a cut-down on spending.

IOC rules out inquiry into Pound's racist remarks

IOC rules out inquiry into Pound's remarks

Globe and Mail, October 23, 2008

Even if Highway Closed, the Games Must Go On!

Rock slide won't stop Olympic events

As long as athletes, technicians present, races will proceed
Damian Inwood, The Province
Published: Friday, October 24, 2008

ICBC Olympic party plans slammed

ICBC Olympic party plans slammed

critics: Auto insurer should lower drivers' premiums, not put on hospitality events
Damian Inwood, The Province
Published: Sunday, October 26, 2008

ICBC plans to hire a party planner to drive its 2010 Olympic bashes.

Over 200 Gather at Anti-2010 Conference in Vancouver

More than 200 gather to discuss adverse effects of 2010 Games

Allison Cross, Vancouver Sun
Published: Monday, October 27, 2008

The negative impact of the 2010 Olympic Games on the environment and civil liberties were among the topics discussed at a conference in Vancouver on Sunday for people opposed to the Games.

No Olympics at Britannia-Final Vote Wed Oct 29, 2008!

Vancouver: Board Meeting ‘final’ Vote - Wednesday October 29th - 6pm LRC room at Britannia (under the library)

The Britannia Community Centre Board is set for a ‘final’vote on October 29th on whether to bow to VANOC pressure and let our public facility and

Olympic Sponsor Holds Seminar on 2010 Security Products

Heavyweight security eyed

Officials briefed on tools available, including multi-threat detection system that screens entire city blocks
Jeff Lee, Vancouver Sun,Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Homeless Camp Refuses to Leave 'City Property'

Homeless refuse order to leave East Vancouver park

By Christina Montgomery, The Province
Published: Friday, October 31, 2008

Six of 11 homeless people ordered off a corner of city land this week drew a line in the cold, wet dirt and abandoned camp litter Thursday -- and put their tents back up.

More on 2010 Security Industry: Acklands-Grainger

Security contracts hint at level emergency planning for 2010 Games

Jeff Lee, Vancouver Sun, Friday, October 31, 2008

Should anything go really wrong at the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics, it won't be because the people in charge of securing the Games don't have the equipment.

Cop in Fatal Crash Involved in Taser Death, 2010 Security, and Sun Peaks (Skwelkwekwelt) Arrests

The RCMP officer involved in a drunken fatal collision last week in Delta (a suburb of Vancouver) was also a supervising officer during last years fatal tasering of Polish immigrant Robert Dziekanski at the Vancouver airport. RCMP Cpl. Benjamin Monty Robinson is a member of the Vancouver 2010 Integrated Security Unit (VISU).

Edmonton: Protest Against Tar Sands & 2010 Olympics

Ft. Chip residents, activists protest oilsands intrusion

Clara Ho,
The Edmonton Journal, Sunday, November 2, 2008

Mike Mercredi is ready to fight what he calls the "slow industrial genocide" that oil companies are waging on the people in his hometown of Fort Chipewyan.