McDonalds attacked in Guelph, Ontario

McDonalds attacked in Guelph, Ontario

McDonalds attacked in Guelph, Ontario

On the afternoon of August 24 [2008], a McDonalds was attacked in Guelph Ontario. We cemented shut the pipes, disabling the toilet in the bathroom stall. We were inspired by a similar action in Victoria, BC on May 31 carried out against McDonalds because of their involvement in the 2010 Olympics.

We did this after the Guelph Wood Squat recieved a notice of eviction. According to Jim Stokes, the city's manager of realty services, "Pouring [concrete] foundations is way beyond what we will allow." The concrete foundation was the beginning of a straw bale home for the winter. Either construction continues or the cement gets used in other ways.