Halifax Anarchists Attack Political Party Offices, Oct 5

Halifax Anarchists Attack Political Party Offices, Oct 5

Canada, Halifax: Coordinated attack on political offices
Submitted by anon on Tue, 2008-10-07 10:02.

On the night of October, 5th two simultaneous attacks happened against the Liberal and Conservative candidate headquarters. Both offices had their windows smashed and one was covered in graffiti.

This action was carried out because we have nothing but contempt to show towards this system of representative democracy that is forced upon us. Regardless of who wins these elections the only thing that will change is who will get to make our decisions for us. All these parties/politicians/governments are implicit in the intensification of capital through iniatives such as the G8 and SPP(Security and Prosperity Partnership) as well as the Olympic games taking place on unceded First Nations land in British Columbia during the winter of 2010. Complacent are we when we think a piece of paper in a box is true democracy. Our vote has been cast.