RBC Attacked in Victoria, BC

RBC Attacked in Victoria, BC

RBC Attacked in Victoria, BC

In the early hours of Saturday November 8th [2008] I paid a visit to the Royal Bank on Cook St. in Victoria, BC. The locks were glued, ATMs were disabled and painted, and anti-2010 and anarchist slogans were painted on the property.

The Royal Bank (RBC) was targeted because of its role as a major corporate sponsor of the 2010 Winter Olympic Games, as well as the fact that the CEO of RBC, Gordon M. Nixon, chairs the Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE), a key group of corporate elites behind such damaging initiatives as the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP). RBC was also targeted because it is also a bank, an institution at the root of society which perpetuates systems of capitalism, exploitation and silencing.

May these sparks add to the growing flames.