Sudbury, Ont. to Protest 'Spirit Train' on Oct. 11, 2008

Sudbury, Ont. to Protest 'Spirit Train' on Oct. 11, 2008


*No Olympics on Stolen Land!*

Resistance to the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver has been building under the banner of NO OLYMPICS ON STOLEN LAND. At the cross Americas indigenous conference in Vicam, Mexico last October an Indigenous intercontinental anti-2010 movement was established. And in December a grassroots Indigenous group - Native Anti-2010 Resistance - came together in "BC" to organize Native opposition to the 2010 Winter Games. Many anti-poverty, environmental, anti-capitalist groups, among others, are working together as well across Turtle Island under the Olympics Resistance Network.

Please see for more information.

On October 11, the Olympics promotional train of The CP/Vancouver Olympics Organising Committee (VANOC) will be arriving in Sudbury. It is a monstruous publicity endeavour based in corporate cooptation of indigenous traditional practices. And it has a full day of activities from 2pm to 8pm planned.

Native Anti-2010 Resistance has issued a statement oposing this misuse of traditional culture. It states: "The knowledge of these traditional ceremonies is a privilege and should not be mocked or commercialized in exchange for money; if not respected, these ceremonies will be useless and meaningless."

Sudbury Against War and Occupation (SAWO) is aiming to build awareness around resistance to the 2010 Olympics. Folks are invited to join us in front of Market Square at 1pm on the 11th for a festive informational gathering. We are also looking for cultural performers and producers who might want to participate in this event.

For more details, please contact Gary Kinsman: or at 523-2205.

Sudbury Against War and Occupation