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Original Peoples

Vancouver Media Co-op

June 29, 2017

No Canada, Not Here.

» Photo: View - by Kerry Coast
Vancouver Media Co-op

July 6, 2016

Of Stones and Glass Houses

Christy Clark calls for Aboriginal heritage repatriation from U.S.; meanwhile Aboriginal heritage destruction in B.C. continues

Vancouver Media Co-op

May 20, 2016

Break Free Vancouver_No Means No

» Video: Watch by KeepEmStraight
Vancouver Media Co-op

January 27, 2016

The Fight For Climate Justice_NEB Pipeline Expansion Hearings

» Video: Watch by KeepEmStraight
Vancouver Media Co-op

January 21, 2016

UN: Vatican accountable to Indigenous Peoples of Americas

» News Release: by Michael Paul Hill
Vancouver Media Co-op

December 15, 2015

Give me your solidarity not your charity

Structural change not spare change

» Story: by Roslyn Cassells
Vancouver Media Co-op

December 1, 2015

If Santa Claus was Scrooge’s Son,

and Justin Trudeau is really here to unpack the goods his father stole…

» Story: by Kerry Coast
Vancouver Media Co-op

July 28, 2015

"Establish Indigenous titles," UN tells Canada

Latest United Nations Committee recommendations to Canada includes establishment of Indigenous title lands.

» Story: by Kerry Coast
Vancouver Media Co-op

July 12, 2015

Lil'wat Roadblock 1990 -to- Lil'wat statement to UN 2015.

More than 60 Lil'wat were brutally arrested for blocking the Lillooet Lake Road. 25 years later, still pursuing justice and a Lil'wat future.

» Story: by Kerry Coast
Vancouver Media Co-op

June 19, 2015

"Life verses Oil"- Toast The Coast-Jane Fonda

» Video: Watch by KeepEmStraight
Vancouver Media Co-op

June 8, 2015

Stop Bill C51-Power to The People_Charles Boylan

» Video: Watch by KeepEmStraight
Vancouver Media Co-op

June 7, 2015

Bill-C51 Grave Dangers Explained_Gail Davidson

» Video: Watch by KeepEmStraight
Vancouver Media Co-op

March 26, 2015

See video

Stop the Police State Act-Bill-C51_Charles Boylan

» Video: Watch by KeepEmStraight
Vancouver Media Co-op

March 20, 2015

Stop Bill C-51_Leadnow National Day of Action

» Video: Watch by KeepEmStraight
Vancouver Media Co-op

February 16, 2015

In The Name of High Ideals_Charles Boylan

» Video: Watch by KeepEmStraight
Vancouver Media Co-op

February 11, 2015

Canada's laws, policy create "immunity" for perpetrators of violence against Indigenous women

Report by Inter-American Commission highlights institutionalized discrimination; judicial ineffectiveness; culture of inequality.

» Story: by Kerry Coast
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